bhavanchand rapid fat loss program

Why I wrote Rapid Vegetarian Fat Loss Program?

We, Indians love to be vegetarians either for religious reasons or the way we have been raised

Whenever people message me on Twitter or Instagram for Fat loss

The first question I ask them is whether they are vegetarians or non-vegetarians

And most of the time, the answer is “I am a Vegetarian”

We all know building muscle is hard on a Vegetarian diet

But after helping hundreds of men and women lose fat, I can say that it is HARDER TO LOSE FAT on a Vegetarian diet

Why is it hard to lose Fat on Vegetarian Diet?

  • The Protein sources are limited
  • Most Protein sources also come with carbs
  • If you eat less food you feel hungry
  • Most Vegetarian Protein sources are hard to digest
  • You are bloated and burping constantly
  • There are 9989 myths about Vegetarian diet – Thanks to brain-dead Instagram Fitness gurus
  • You’re afraid that you will lose muscle if you diet
  • You don’t know which foods have more protein
  • You believe that nuts are rich protein sources
  • You’re confused by the contrasting opinions of the Fitness Gurus on Vegetarian Diet
  • You believe the myth that soya chunks are the best source of Protein and are unaware of its harmful health effects
  • South Indians believe they need to eat rotis to lose fat and North Indians believe they need to eat rice to lose fat
  • Your only fat loss strategy is to drink lemon water and honey, green tea, and detox drinks every morning
  • You don’t know how to supplement for nutrition deficiencies on a Vegetarian diet
  • You don’t have a clue on how to keep firing your metabolism when dieting

I can go on and write a complete book on what frustrations you face being a Vegetarian but let me stop here and give you the solution

What you will learn in this Program

  • How to lose fat on a Vegetarian diet without feeling hungry 24×7
  • The best way to fight your sweet cravings at Night – 100% Works
  • How to build Muscle while losing Fat
  • How to eat more Protein on a Vegetarian diet
  • How to program your diet to stay energetic when dieting
  • The best Vegetarian Protein sources that will help you lose fat
  • Gym program to Build Muscle while losing Fat
  • The number one meal planning strategy to lose fat
  • The supplements you need to make sure you are not Nutrient deficient
  • How to overcome bloating and gas problem
  • The real facts behind all the myths that are sabotaging your fat loss efforts

Who is this Challenge for?

  • You are a man or a woman between 18-60
  • You are overweight and want to lose fat and Build Muscle
  • You are a vegetarian (EGGETARIANS ALSO WELCOME)
  • You want to build the habit of working out and eating healthy
About the Program:
  • This is a 2 month or 8 weeks Program
  • This is for both men and women
  • You need to buy Whey Protein on this program
  • You need to workout in the gym or at home
  • Home workouts will be provided

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the Program for?

8 weeks or 2 months

What will I get when I pay for this Program?

  • GYM PROGRAM – Separate for men and women


How much Fat can I lose in three months?

8-10 kgs

Do I need to join the gym on this challenge?


Will you provide me with a workout program?

Yes a gym program and a home workout program

Can women lose fat on this Program?

Yes! This works for women too

Is there a separate workout Program for women?

Yes! A separate 2 month Program for women

Will you give me a complete Diet plan?


Can Eggetarians join this program ?


Will you answer my questions if I have any doubts?

YES! Message me on Twitter or Instagram and I will reply within 24 hours

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